Monday, April 30, 2012

Balloon Centerpieces

Source: Bunch of Balloons Blog

I think this is the funnest thing EVER! I mean really, your next big party, go nuts with balloons... normally I am not a balloon fan, but this I cannot get enough of! Maybe it's because there are like a gajillionbizzzzillion balloons!

What do you think?

Love or Hate?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday Devotional: ‘One God’

I was first introduced to Greek mythology at the age of seven, and – sorry, Calvert School – I found it depressing. I still do. Take one look at the ancient Grecian pantheon, and it’s not surprising that faith in mere men (i.e., philosophers and politicians) effectively displaced a more primitive faith in capricious gods and goddesses. Greek myths might make successful entertainment, but I suspect, as a religious foundation, it would’ve made people desperate. What better illustration is there than the story of the Trojan War? Deities are bitter (Eris), cowardly (Zeus), and vain and revengeful (Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera). It’s impossible to please all of them at the same time. People are fated to die as a result.

When Jesus declared “No one can serve two masters” (Matthew 6:24), He was addressing selfish desire. However, I think that the verse easily could apply to those who might have tried to appease multiple deities at once. There’s no hope seeking protection from a host of jealous gods and goddesses, each demanding undivided loyalty. As Christians, our God is unique, so we can focus on what pleases Him and concern ourselves with only His judgment. As difficult as that might be sometimes, we don’t have to constantly watch out for His competition.

This post’s topic is based on the Wednesday Devotional Theme covered tonight at Alhambra Church of Christ.

Monday, April 23, 2012

My Etsy Treasury: Homo economicus

'Homo economicus' by gbychan

Giving the 'dismal science' a fun and feminine side.

I'm Back By Popular...

You must be the best ju...

Labor Economics

Raven Crow and a Grave ...

Economic Downturn cloth...

Economy . HAPPiNESS . L...

Moneta, goddess of mint...

Business and Economics ...

Eco Baby "Fuel Eff...

Fun Humorous Enamel Pin...

Pink Shell and Coin Ear...

love and compassion are...

Sterling STOCK MARKET B...

Mixed Media Illustratio...

Vintage Letterpress Blo...

Unemployment Garden Sig...

Treasury tool by Red Row Studio

Help me Plan a Party: Cocktails

This week YOU are going to help me plan a party! And it's simple, we need your vote, it's a casual garden chic event.

Imagine gathering around a beautiful tropical pool with a cocktail, being welcomed with a glass of _________ {fill in the blank} and being served ______________ {fill in the blank} and the linens are gorgeous, they look like _____________ {you get the idea}.

So let's start with the cocktails.


Option 1: Source

 Or this....

Option 2: Source

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Awesometastic Party: Food

Source: Pinterest (if you know the original source, let me know, I cannot find the link)

I am definately using this for our next party, Ice Cube trays for food! I love it! And kids get such a kick out of the colors! I love this!

Seriously, big rocking awesometastic kudo's to whoever thought of this!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Awesometastic Party: Delicious

If I would have known that putting pineapple in the oven would have made a beautiful edible flower, I would have tried it years ago!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Handmade gifts - Presentes feitos à mão

Today, as I stepped into my office my heart was filled with joy: I got not one but two wonderful handmade gifts:

The blue cardigan was made by the mother of a colleague from the office, and it’s absolutely adorable; the gorgeous looking yellow sun was made by a very talented blogging friend, Monica Martinho (click here for the original pattern link provided by Monica, the instructions are in English).

Thank you both for these lovely thoughtful gifts!

(BTW I added a pregnancy ticker just bellow the blog header; all is well but I haven't been sewing and I really don't feel like blogging much these days,... Hope you all forgive me for the long absence)


Hoje no escritório fiquei com o coração cheio de alegria por receber não um mas dois presentes feitos à mão:

O casaquinho azul foi feito pela mãe de uma colega de trabalho e é absolutamente adorável; o fantástico Sol de tricô foi feito por uma amiga blogueira muito talentosa, a Mónica Martinho. No artigo dela podem encontrar uma ligação para o modelo original (em Inglês), se estiverem interessadas.

Obrigada a ambas por tudo, hoje fizeram-me muito feliz!

(A propósito, adicionei um calendáro de gravidez mesmo por baixo do cabeçalho do blogue; está tudo bem, mas não tenho costurado nada e não tenho tido grande vontade de publicar nos blogues,... Espero que me perdoem pela ausência prolongada)

Awesometastic Party: Details

Source: Salt Family Blog

 I just love this balloon wreath, I am definately going to be making it and using it for all of our family's up and coming birthday's.

And this pancakes would be adorable for a kids party! Right?

Panckaes Found Here

Monday, April 16, 2012

Sew,Mama, Sew! presents... Fat Quarter Idol!!

okay... how fun is THIS!??? and yes, i am a judge!! when i was making Rag quilts on Etsy, even though i made over 700 easily with sales, shops and wholesalers... i never ONCE repeated a fabric combination. ever. each piece was a true "one of a kind", so i am extremely excited to see which fabric combinations are going to be created from all of you guys!! and my darling friend Kaye is judging with me!! can it get any better for me... yeah, no i don't really think so ( well unless, i got to keep all of your creations!! ) hahaha...!! :D

i made this one today using this weeks theme... Sweet Child of Mine!! i went with a sweet sailor palette... and no, i can't vote for myself!! LOL

here's the rules kids!! it's super easy and fun!! ;D

and for the lucky-duck winners on the Aurifil give-a-way!! ( and, yeah... i decided on two of you! ) contact me with your info and i'll get your goodies out to ya!! xoxoxox

Sarah Witherby said...
Lovely bunch of staples! Thank you for the chance to win some lovely thread!

April 9, 2012 2:32 PM

epban said...
What great mail you have, my dear!!
I'm still waiting to try some Aurifil and become addicted...thanks for the chance to win some!

April 9, 2012 6:06 PM

Congrats girls!!!

and after a LOT of You Tube videos and listening to all of your guys comments on my last post, which i would lOVE to THANK all of you for!! i picked up this new beauty this weekend to help to gain more Veggies & Fruits into my families diet!!

I'm super excited about it and know it will really get us moving in the right direction!! so, in the spirit of this new week, this is my plan...

X, Heather

Yes, My Mommy’s on YouTube

Most of my readers are aware that my mother, Karen of the previously mentioned Karen’s Devotions, was a homeschooling parent. Fewer know that before, during, and after that, she also has been a Math lecturer at a local state university. Her specialty lies in fractal geometry, and one of her longtime hobbies has been the Japanese paper-folding art of origami. Last Saturday, at a teaching conference, she presented on “The Hyperbolic Paraboloid: Exploring the Mystery,” serving her audience popcorn and Pringles to illustrate real-world saddle shapes. Her supplemental video “Origami Hyperbolic Paraboloid” shows how the viewer can create the rarely discussed 3-D truncated version. Take a look!

Awesometasic Party: Toddler

Lately, we've been talking about fun toddler birthday parties around the Awesometastic Offices. So this week we are going to take a slight break from the gorgeous wedding world and look at some adorable ideas for our new mom's and friends of new mom's and just plain great Toddler Birthday Party ideas.

First up, an adorable wreath and decor idea's for your upcoming birthday bash!


 I love this snack necklace idea! I will definately be using for an up and coming party.... and maybe for me when I can't decide what I want to eat.

From Pinterest

Friday, April 13, 2012

change can hurt. doesn't mean it's wrong though.

Have you ever just mourned something so profound, it makes your heart & soul hurt for what could have been??... Speaking for myself, I have many times (too many to reminisce, nor would I want too!)… But this last one has really thrown me for loop. I have recently been re-evaluating our diet and health as a family. And I can honestly say, I could easily believe we are the average Americans household. Eating a home cooked meal 5 times a week with a couple of fast food options during our 7 day week due to scheduling difficulties/ obligations…. No biggy right??.... and I have always promoted the best nutritional/ benefits caloric intake over the best taste option for my family for as long as I could remember, during those outings… but, recently I feel like my ignorance has completely, close-lined me. I’m talking; “are you F@cking serious?”, “Shit.”, “that can’t be right, Right??”, and… “Wow, I’m such a dumb.ass!”kind of slap in the face, wrong.  I really always thought that I was on the right health path.

See… when you wake up at 23 with a husband, 2 baby boys, your own home and you’re been hit across the head with the ugly Autism stick against your youngest baby boy… all you can do is live in a perpetual state of survival mode. It’s a much known fact within my private circle that I didn’t sleep for over a month after his diagnosis (truth)… And you do so… with no questions asked, because hurt like that for your children motivates you to an entire different place of existence in this life. You learn about the crazy world of sensory integration, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, environmental doctors, naturopathic doctors, Floor Time therapy and home based Applied Behavioral Analysis,  mineral & vitamin supplements, and certainly diet.

And then after several years of due diligence and dedication… you see a change. A real turning point, one where you can once again engage your child on a mutual level. Where he sees you as much as you’ve... always seen him. An awaken… of sorts, if you will. And all seems right, if only for your small sacred family. And a few years go by like this in your land. The land where the trials, don’t amount to IV’s and chelation to detoxify heavy metals… but, where passing on a class field trip involving water or choosing to not push a vacation from 4 days to 7, in fear of your son’s reaction are the most pressing issues. Fucking gravy, these years and I am so thankful for every  damn day of them. They all become a bit more quite and calm; but, they makes me curious about what else is in my world.

So… I start digging around, and end up opening a whole new can of worms (pandora's box, to me.). And it hurt. After watching Food Inc, Knives Over Forks, and Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead too… plus ordering a shit ton of new books to research and learn from… I just cried. Cried, until I was a hiccuping mess and regretful that while I was battling one monster, I was feeding another. I’m pretty sure this family has just started falling into that damn rabbit hole again. One where you only hope to reach the ground on your feet.  it is true that I’m not one to judge another… especially for how they choose to live there life, but if I had one, singular, "issue"… it would honestly be; that if you know the right way and choose to do less (because it’s easier), then how do you ever expect the world to evolve into something greater than it is today for… you or yours??? I have to make a change. And it won’t be easy, but it will be right. Please, don't misunderstand either... i love and am  grateful for the chance to keep learning every secret to becoming a great mother and wife, even if it humbles me personally in the process. i just want mine to always be healthy.  

If any of you care to watch these documentaries and would like to take this ride with me… Id’ love to have ya! Xoxoxo

X, Heather

ps... i'll pick the Auiril winner on Sunday ( maybe even two ), however... i just think think this is more important for today.

Easter Pictures with Baby Chics

Photo Credit and Studio Credit: Photography 35 aka the most patient incredible kind hearted people

I hope you all had a great Easter or Passover weekend! I just wanted to share some cuteness with you!

Soooooooooooooo, Gabriel (our 2.25 year old, wouldn't sit with the Easter Bunny, and let's face it that guy can be a bit scary...) So, our tradition has been to take his picture with the baby Chics... and it's cute, right!

So this year, I wanted a picture with G and Z. Gabriel has been a great big brother. He loves to help with his little brother, bringing his binky, and his blankey, and sort of sharing his toys.

So I though, hey.... this will be a piece of cake! A picture with a 2 year old and 3 month old... no problem!

Until it happened, and my husband happened to snap it on his camera.

No Baby was harmed in the taking of this picture

Oops... so the moral of the story is, be sure to have your wife laying under the bench in case your 2 year old thinks it's funny to see if a baby really does bounce.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Union Jack - A La Summersville!

i've wanted something Union Jack-a-licious forEVER!... and being that Miss Lu is from England, this design just felt right to me! i looked around a bit online to find an easy tutorial to make this popular design, but didn't have much luck... so i made my own up??... who knows, maybe someone will want to play with me!!?? hehehe...

this is a terribly simple design! i used the String Block method, which you can find here if you are unfamiliar with it!! and then i grabbed up 4 pieces of computer paper and cut them down to 8.5" x 7.5"!

i marked each of my 4 rectangles at 1" square on two opposite corners of each rectangle, then connected the marks. that left me with a 1.5", centered guide to adhere my fabric too!

my four center strips are 1.5" and their solid boards are 1.25".

after, I'd constructed all four of my rectangle string blocks, i removed the paper and separated them into a right side & left hand side pair. next, i added a 2.5" X 8.5" piece of red sashing to each pair. then finally, i sewed the center strip of red sashing... 2.5" X 16" piece to join the two sides and trimmed the block down to 15.5" x 17.5". easy peasy!

you could use this block as a kick off to a quilt or sash it again with an outside boarder (like myself) and make a new British invasion pillow!!

 mine's a 20" x 20"!!

now that i know how quick and painless this quilt block design is, i'll probably want it in a quilt version!! i mean... they are really fab!!

See ya tomorrow for the Aurifil winner... i'm off for a Yam night!!

X, Heather

Real Wedding: Shannon and Chris

New Years Eve Day, I had the honor of marrying Chris and Shannon, it was really so much fun working with them! I love that we had so much fun planning their wedding, from Horse Shoes to The Swamp, this was a personal and romantic wedding!

You know, YOU HAVE always wanted to do this...

Ceremony: Baughman Center

Wedding Planner: MasterPiece Weddings

Photography: Russell Martin

Reception: UF Hilton

Entertainment: Wayne's World- Mike Collins

Cake- Ms Debbie

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Really Cool Wedding Idea

We are always on the look out for super cool ideas! New, super cool ideas are even funner!

So, when this blog came across my desk, I just had to let you know. It's rare these days that something new and exciting crosses our desks.... so I just had to share!

Check out I Love Pezzulli, but first let me tell what what it is.

Okay, so picture this, you were invited to Anna's wedding and you are going to know, NO ONE, that's awkward right?

But Anna solved that - she has created a blog that features each one of her wedding guests, creates a blog post about them, how she met them, some fun facts, and why that person is special to her and her fiancé.

This way, no one is a stranger! I love it!

So friends, meet Anna and Vince, and meet Anna and Vince's friend's.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Send Us Your Wedding

The Awesometastic Bridal Blog is now accepting submissions for weddings! We want real, awesometastic weddings!

Instagram Picture taken at Katie and Jame's Wedding

If you think your wedding has what it takes, send us some pictures! I want them! Send us up to 10 pictures from your wedding.

We would love to feature your details, you love, and your story!

Send your wedding to melissa at masterpieceweddings dot net and we'll check it out!