Sunday, May 22, 2011

echino winner!

YOU guys are my hero's!!! The time you put into this give-a-way was more than a little impressive!!! The winner is... Miss Jessica! She got them all right and she was the only one to do it too! Congrats my dear... send me your addy!

Jessica Levitt~
Here are my lists...I think I got them all, though I may have missed a last name or two:

#1: Violet Craft, Mo Bedell, Monica Solario-Snow, Kristen Link, you, Shelly Figueroa, Traci Butler

#2: Amy Ellis, Erin Singleton

#3: Lizzy House, Shelly Figueroa

#4: Aneela Hoey, you, Katy Jones

#5: Julie Herman, Candi Weinrick

#6: Aneela Hoey, Thomas Knauer

#7: John Adams

#8: Kaye Prince, Erin Singleton, Aneela Hoey

#9: you, Thomas Knauer

#10: you, Lizzy House

#11: Katy Jones, Kaye Prince, you, Erin Singlton

#12: Jacquie (tallgrass prarie)?, you

#13: Katy Jones, Kathy Mack, Jacquie, Alissa Haight Carlton, Shea Henderson

#14: Gina ?, Michelle Engel-Benscko, Charlie and Lindsay (Hawthorne Threads)

#15: you, Angela Walters

#16: you, Erin Mcmorris, Mo Bedell

#17:Heather Jones, Monica Solario-Snow, Kristen Link, Bari J

#18: Jona Giammalva, Janis Stob, Katy Jones, Shelly Figueroa

#19: Traci Butler

#20: Mo Bedell, you, Violet Craft

#21: Shelly Figueroa, Karen LePage, Mo Bedell, Katy Jones

#22: you, Katy Jones

and just for kick... my favorite answer... from Miss Duff ~

I have almost no idea, but I thought I put in a joke or two...

1. I recognize you and the yammies, that’s it. The blondes to the far left look vaguely familiar. The same way that most people do after I’ve had one too many margaritas.
2. A ha! Amy Ellis and Erin of 2 more seconds
3. This is a photo of 2 extras from Pirates of the Caribbean (not so cleverly) disguised as mustachioed men asking for directions to the men’s restroom, so oft-underused at said quilty-type gatherings.
4. Aneela Hoey (taking the quilting scene by storm!), Heather (glam bam thank you ma’am), and a lady with a genuine I-love-life smile and froggy t-shirt.
5. Julie of Jaybird quilts with her new pal Candi of Raccoon Creek Quilts
6. Aneela Hoey in the process of a walk-by eyebrow plucking attack on a random pedestrian named Thomas.
7. John, Quilt Dad to his peeps, dreaming of rolling in a field of Kona solids like Dorothy did in the poppies.
8. I know when you release this woman’s name I will know it, Erin of R.C.C., and Aneela Hoey of Comfortstitching: 3 peas in a pod!
9. You and Thomas, and damn! His eyebrows look great!
10. An obvious dream sequence, complete with blurred edges. Pirate #1 is back on the scene and just said “Don’t let this blonde fool ya. She’d do anything for chocolate. Arrgh!”
11. The breakfast club. Obviously.
12. No clue, but it’s a really nice picture.
13. Your friend with the fasnarfin tattoo, Kathy of Pink Chalk, clueless, I’ve seen this face—she’s a blogger, and finally, uh, my cousin Caroline?
14. Nope, nope again, Charlie and Lindsay of Hawthorne Threads.
15. You & a blogging peep.
16. I think the lady in the middle is a designer. The other two are her loaded bodyguards.
17. This is one of those crazy times when you drop the camera, catch it and it takes a photo of absolutely no one you know.
18. The froggy t-shirt lady, Gladys. No cavities Gladys! You’re a good little brusher!
19. Hot damn! It’s Tom Selleck in drag!
20. Oh snap! These two are both bloggers and I’m gonna kick myself for not knowing their names!
21. Cute! Oh, and there’s Molly Ringwald in the back wondering why no one called her when the Breakfast Club was corralled for a photo shoot ten slides ago.
22. Derelict gang members. Parents, watch your kids.

Thanks my sweets, Heather

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