Friday, December 16, 2011

soy-licious Candles!!

okay... as promised a little very basic Tutorial on my Soy Candles!

first... you must go vintage shopping and find some flashy glass goodness at your local Goodwill or Salvation Army!!

then you buy this! ( and only THIS!! ) hahah....

most of my glass wares held around 10 to 12oz... so, using a big o'le plastic ( never going to eat in it again ) measuring cup, filler up with your soy wax flakes!  this will reduce once heated to 1/2 the size in liquid form!  :)  i usually eyeball mine! 

using Soy Candle wicks that you will also purchase with your wax, secure it into your candle container!

okay... here's the fun/ tricky part ( if you will ) adding in the scents!  i have done quite a bit of research on the theory behind the smells of candles and i will tell you none of it made any sense!  LOL  but, what i did figure out was that, i wanted to use Essential oils instead of Fragrance oils, because they were not chemically achieved.  This did result in a lighter, but cleaner smell... which is my preference.

i used 4oz of Essential oil in each container... which can get spendy if you're buying them at a craft store, so i would suggest supporting your local Etsy sellers!!  Feel free to mix scents too!!  i used either Cloves or Peppermint in all of mine with a fruity addition to keep up a holiday feel!!  yum!!

then, just pour it it in!

start lining up your beauties... and note your wicks will move on you a bit, but just try and keep them somewhat supported and balanced!  you can do it!!  :)

then let them rest until they set up ( not long at all!!  a night resting would be enough to give your gifts away the next day!! ).

when you're ready... cut your wick down and wipe off all the extra messies & drips ( you may have made while filling them up )... easy peasy!!  and super gorgeous!!

i think, i'm finally done with all my teacher's gifts... i love them all and i hope my boy's teachers know how much i appreciate all their efforts towards their success!!

ps... my oldest just received another 4.0!!! ( including high school algebra... he's in 8th grade!! )  i'm super proud!!

Xo, Heather

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