iron the interface on to one square of your linen and set aside.
taking the remainder square of linen and your flower, pin in place. sew a top stitch around the flower.
remove your pins and top stitch again following the center hexagon as a guide.
place your two squares together Right side to Right side and pin.
sew a 1/2 inch seam around 3 sides of the square. sew 1/3 of the last side and backstitch, leaving an opening.
( tip: i chose to backstitch at the beginning & the end of each side, instead of making one continuous seam, it's just how i roll. )
snip the corners and flip your square inside out ( or what i refer to as... turn & burn! )
simply, top stitch your opening down, while finishing off your muggy cuteness!
a pefect little home for your tasty beverages!
Okay... Q & A time!
1. i get all my paper piecing supplies at Sew Deerly Loved.
2. i used 1" hexagons for this pattern
3. i use fusible interface instead of batting, because i personally like the flat feel & look better.
4. YOU can reuse your hexie templates, so don't throw them away! LOL
5. Leave a comment here to win this set of Muggy Goodness, i'll pick a winner on Sunday!!!
Xo, Heather
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