Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Years DIY Week: Part 3

So this may be the new year, but I think it's a general rule that everyone loves spring flowers. Although some of your favorite blooms may not always be in season, theres no reason you can't have your favorite shade of flowers at your wedding with these DIY paper pomander balls we found on A Jubilee Event.

Step 1: Cut the tissue paper to the size of flower you want. The bigger the tissue paper square, the larger the flower. Then fold them accordion style. You will fold one way then flip and fold the other. 

Step 2: Fold your accordion in half. This will help you find the center of your flower.

Step 3:  Take the wire and wrap it around your tissue paper. After you have done that twist the wire together. Then spread open the two sides to prepare for the opening of the flower.


Step 4: Begin separating the layers. You may want to alternate sides. 

Step 5: Put your ribbon on the top of your styrofoam ball and begin to attach the flowers. And you're done! 

 Find the full tutorial here! How perfect would these be for decorating a small reception room or the inside of a tent??

I think we have a decor crush with lanterns and hanging lightie thingies, don't you?

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