they are always memorable, right... completely blissful! i realized this week, i was kinda having a few...
like using the luxurious { Radiance } by Robert Kaufman!!! hello... yummy, silky/ satiny, smooth, heaven made into a fabric! i seriously can't even imagine the fighting over the quilt made with these between my boys! hugh... maybe this was a bad idea?? shit.
picked up my first purchase of Tula Pink's Prince Charming at Sew Mama Sew this week too! i have a few Princes in my house ( wink, wink )!!
started my first EVER quilt kit from the Fat Quarter Shop!! i'm such a fan of Sweetwater girls at Moda ( met them at market and they are awesome, just sayin! ) someone is going to get one hell of a present for Christmas this year!
OOoohhhh yeah... even ironed and prepped a few quilt tops laying around ( i'm never that organized! ) hahaha...
and i totally recognized... that this will be my first table topper EVER! period. why have i never made one before??...
and the grand finale... i totally bought yarn and hooks! can you just die...?? yeah, me too! but, i saw this super cool online, tutorial thingy on Pinterest... to teach you how to crochet in one month starting on Oct 1st and thought... time to pull up those big girl panties Heather! so here's to either succeeding or drinking heavily! ( either way... i'm a winner!! )
( click the here to find out more if you're interested! )
shoot... i'm having some fun over here!! hope you all do too this weekend!!
Xo, Heather