Monday, February 28, 2011

hot mess!

well, the boy toy finally did it! he claims he'd like half of his house back! what-eves... it's not my fault i lOVE fabric and working on a thousand projects at a time! yeesh... you'd think that's not normal or something??? Okay, okay... i will have to admit it's been a nutty past week with shipments coming in. but, i still don't think THAT's my fault... entirely! what's with all the bloody sales shops are having lately??!! shoot... (shrug) what's a junkie supposed to act like??? i think my reaction was just right. Although, i have one serious hot mess!! and i seem to be running out of room real fast. either way... i blame....

Sew Deerly Loved!

Etsy & Ebay... the filthy rascles!


Fabric Depot!

Purl SoHo!

Wonderous Woven Fabrics!

yes... i'm completely out of room! but i lOVE them all so much.... how can you give any of them up??? maybe i should just buy a bigger house??? OOOooohhh... wait, the children really don't need their bedrooms... right???? ( wink, wink )

he may have a baby point, i've even lost part of my sewing desk to the fabric...

and he did buy me a new classic Ipod to fill full of books, so i'll get busy dealing with my small issue... hehe!! i guess i could let go of some of those yummy solids ( happy love??? ). that might not hurt too bad?? yeah??? LOL however, if the sales continue... i can NOT be blamed for my weakness... i am sick and i don't deny it! ;)

what say you... Kona Give-a-Way time?? Just leave me a message here... maybe with a tip on how you weed out your stash! for me... the minute i remove it, i want it back! ;P and yes, i realize how ridiculous that is!! hahaha...

I'll choose some winners on Wednesday!
xo, Heather

Friday, February 25, 2011

What will your Wedding Say about You?

So I got a package in the mail that totally caught my attention, it was a large brown package with "Mab Libs" style fill in the blank everything! And I loved it! I emailed the owner of the company immediately told him that I loved him, his product, and I wanted to marry him. And thus begins my love affair with Write on Riot. Their website is under construction... so be patient, but their product will have you laughing until you pee yourself.

Fair warning, I wrote the below card on a sample I was sent, this is my handwriting, my words, my reeeedikulousness... don't judge a company by my dorkyness.

Now I'll turn my blog over to Rob Dalton, the owner of Write on Riot.

Chances are, if you’re reading this you’re somewhere between dreaming about your future wedding and putting the finishing touches on the smallest details of your big day.

For most brides and couples, personalization is the most important aspect of the planning process. You want your wedding and reception to be creative, special and uniquely… well… you.

So, what if an element of your reception could truly be one-of-a-kind? What if your guests were part of the creativity and fun? And, what if a reception could be a lot more awesomtastic (word used with permission, 2011 Melissa DiStefano) for not a lot more money? That’s what we asked ourselves when we created our fill-in-the-blank Wedding Reception Wish Cards.

Write On Riot™ is a new company dedicated to celebration, belonging and fun. Our Wish Cards are a way for your guests to tell you how much they love you in their own personal (and often hilarious) way. The header of each card says, To the happy couple, on this special day I wish for you… (followed by) enough ___________ to last a lifetime, a love like the song __________, in-laws that never __________, excitement like the movie _______, good health so you can still _________ when you’re 100, and more.

Every completed card is a unique expression of belonging and love. Your college roommate will fill in the blanks in a completely different way than, say, your Aunt Helen will. The answers are sweet, funny, thoughtful and always personal.

How Wish Cards can start your reception on a fun note: Place one Wish Card at each reception table place setting. (It’s a good idea to buy fresh pens and leave one for every two guests at each table as well.) Most of your guests will fill out their Wish Cards right away because they’re fun and they’re great conversation starters.

Your wedding planner (ahem, hire MasterPiece Weddings) or attendant can collect the cards and pens before dinner is served, and store them for you in a safe place. Make it a keepsake. The cards can be inserted into a photo album made for 4" by 6" photos. Some couples place each Wish Card across from a photo of the guest who filled it out.

Skip the Guest Book and find out what your guests really want to tell you on your special day. Wish Cards cost just $7 for a pack of 25. There are four designs to choose from, and three colors of each design. You can buy Wish Cards at as well as our fun, fill-in-the-blank shower invitations.

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

(PS - Be on the lookout for a giveway and a discount code exclusive to MasterPiece Weddings!!!)

MasterPiece Weddings was in no way compensated for this post, we just love this company and wanted to share the awesomeness with you. Because we like to share cool things with our readers not because we were compensated in anyway.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Incoming call during the photo shoot – Interrompida a meio da sessão de fotos

I got a call while I was taking photos of today’s outfit but since time is so valuable to me I just kept hitting the remote while talking on the cell, lol. The week has been stressful enough but I think I’m managing the stress better since I’ve got back to the gym. So far I’ve stoically managed to keep up with my routine… The only setback is that my free time at home is even shorter now because I go to bed much earlier… I have a pile of unanswered emails to attend and also a lot of blog reading to catch up with. My sewing projects are also delayed, since I can only manage time for sewing during the weekend… The good news is, I’ve been feeling better, and I rarely wake up in the middle of the night with my arms numb, so this sewing diet is paying off on the health front, I guess…

Recebi uma chamada enquanto estava atirar fotos e como o tempo para mim é muito valioso, lá continuei com as fotos enquanto falava, hehehehe. A semana tem sido stressante que chegue, mas acho que tenho conseguido gerir o stress melhor desde que retomei as idas ao ginásio. Até agora tenho conseguido estoicamente acordar de madrugada e manter a rotina dia sim, dia não… A única desvantagem é ter ainda menos tempo para mim, pois agora deito-me muito mais cedo do que antes. Em consequência tenho uma pilha de emails por responder, e uma data de blogues para visitar e pôr-me a par. As minhas costuras também se têm atrasado, pois só consigo ter algum tempo durante o fim-de-semana. As boa notícia é que a dormência dos braços durante a noite é agora bastante menos frequente, sem dúvida resultado da minha “dieta” da costura…

My Mojuba

I would love to say that I know everything about everything weddings. And I would love to say that I know everything and every vendor that pops up online, every minute of every day, but I would be exaggerating. Slightly.

But, I recently found out about this awesome fun new site called My Mojuba - its' super fun! They specialize in emergency kits for the bride and groom! That are super swank, totally useful!

Now, keep in mind, that on your wedding day, I'll have my Wedding Emergency Bag with everything you could possibly need... but what about your bridal shower, or bachelorette party, or just everyday in general... I mean geez you never know when you'll need tissues stain removal kit, nail files, polish, or shoe shine or a shave kit!

And for a limited time, use the code KISSME at checkout for $25 off your purchase at My Mojuba.

(MasterPiece Weddings was not in any way paid for this post, we wanted to mention this product to you because we think it's cool and it's something you can definitely use, not because we were compensated in anyway)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

This blazer upgrades any outfit – Este blazer eleva qualquer conjunto

I don’t wear this blazer very often because I don’t want to wear it out (visually speaking); it adds a strong impression to any outfit with its pointy shoulders and black and white horizontal stripes, very Givenchy-esque in my opinion. The skirt and the sweater were made by me, the boots, what can I say, they are my go-to boots because they are so comfy and go with everything.

Não uso este blazer muitas vezes porque não quero “gastar” o impacto visual que proporciona a qualquer conjunto. Dá uma forte impressão com os seus ombros pontudos e as listas horizontais pretas e brancas, um estilo muito Givenchy, na minha opinião. A saia e a sweater foram feitas por mim, quanto às botas, bem, viro-me sempre para elas pois são muito confortáveis e condizem com tudo.

The Citron Flower Pillow

my latest Free tutorial on Sew Mama Sew!

XO, Heather

Real Simple Weddings - Spring 2011

I was sent a copy of Real Simple Weddings to review, in all honestly, they sent me this magazine for free, so that I could tell you my thoughts and opinions of it. Honest. Thoughts and opinions.

And I hope you know, by now, that you come to our blog for real, honest, and heart felt advice and opinions on all things weddings.

And frankly, I love Real Simple, I buy (like pay for, with real money) their cookbooks, magazines, love their website and tips, follow them on twitter...but I was left a little, well, underwhelmed with this issue.

The cover is gorgeous, and the shoes are frankly, amazing. I want a pair in all colors. But inside is a lot of the same as last year. In fact, a lot of the same images, and articles. I would think that a new season would bring, new ideas, new cakes, new bouquets and new gowns, but this was just a lot of the same as the issue before. I mean the exact same images. Strange, right.

It was also filled with a ton of new information and new ideas, which I love. But I was left a little sad that they couldn't feature a new cake, or a new table number idea. If you are going to roll an idea over from another season, my feeling is to wait at least a few seasons.

I know there are new brides everyday, people get engaged by the dozens hourly... so this magazine may not look like a re-run to a lot of brides, but some may feel the same way I do.

What do you think?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

All eyes on the harness – Todos os olhares no arnês

The harness, made of cord and semi-precious stone plates is without doubt an eye-catcher. The dress and the coat were made by me (sewing details here and here).

O Arnês, feito de cordão e placas de pedras semi-preciosas, é sem sombra de dúvida o elemento que chama mais a atenção neste conjunto. O vestido e o casaco foram feitos por mim (detalhes de costura aqui e aqui).

Ashley and Jordan - Again

Jordan and Ashley Wedding from Parallel Media on Vimeo.

There were so many amazing details from this wedding, and Drew from Parallel Media did such a great a job capturing the emotion of the day.

So many brides these days are opting out of video because they feel the photographs can capture the emotions, and frankly they can capture some of it. But that hug your Grandfather gives you and whispers in your ear how much he loves you and how proud he is of you... isn't caught in still images the same way.

Take a peek and let me know what you think.

Monday, February 21, 2011

i forgot.

i forgot to blog. i was in my own manic land this past week... but i swear it was for good reason! look at all this business that kept me so overwhelmed... miss nova's treat to me finally got the love it deserved ( binded & washed ) and is now resting comfortably on my couch!! truly heaven!! thank you my dear!!

i had to work on my Grandmother's flower garden quilt!

my OOOohh... so lovely hoop arrived from the { Scrappy } Hoops swap... which meant... i needed to reorganize my sewing space! duh! It is FABuLOUS too! i tried to photo the stitching in the middle well enough for you all to see what it says... but if you still can't make it out, let me help you:

{ Suck It Up Sunshine! }

and i think we all know how soon summer will be here, so i went shopping for some darling new skirts to make!( my spring mission ) this pattern looks so friggin cute... i can barley stand it!

----> L I S T E N <----

i'm not starving myself ( not really, bit of an dramatic statement ) and running every darn day to wear fuggly clothes this summer! LOL

then miss Laurie's new fabric arrived! i simply could not cut some of that up pronto-ria!! i mean.... come cussing on!! this line couldn't get any better for a girl who loves aqua & orange, plus lives in Portland! ( Portlandia = put a bird on it. ) it so right... my heart hurts a little! ;)

and because i had a little time to spare... i went shopping at my fav local watering hole...

Cool Cotton's.

okay, okay... i got to go... if i don't start sewing, i may have a tantrum! Happy Monday Lovies!!

XO, Heather

Pink and Brown Wedding

Ashley and Jordan were just one of those couples that I knew instantly I would love. And I had the honor and privledge of writing a ceremony for them, and officiating their beautiful Gainesville Wedding.

Caroline Johnson photographed this beautiful wedding, that would make any gal swoon! Ashley tied in modern elegance with a classic twist. And it turned out beautiful!

And a huge Thank You to Every Last Detail for featuring our wedding!!!!

What do you think?

Wedding Planner: MasterPiece Weddings

Florals and Linens: The Unforgettable Event

Ceremony Venue: The Baughman Center

Reception Venue:Plantation Hall at Haile

Photography: Caroline Johnson

Video: Parallel Media, CO

Catering: Dragonfly

Cake: KB Kakes