i lOVED the look of the kindle "pocket style" cover and finding a pocket cover tut on line will be easy for ya to do { if ya wanta make one! } i just used my kindle as a template... which is easy-peasy too!
now... listen... i know i could have made this a much more simpler craft, but i can't roll like that with so many good tutorials out there! so, i used miss Ashley's string quilt block tut to make (4) blocks then added a little Kona Essex to one side. once the front of the kindle cover was sewn... the rest of the project is just FAST! now, i just have to make my son's!
I have also been trying to put together my Bloggers' Block-a-palooza fabrics! i know many of you have more questions regarding this virtual project and i promise to have more answers for ya! but, for now you can always do what i'm doing which is color planing... i've been wanting an aqua & yellow based quilt for sometime now... so i'm pretty sure this is the way i'll be heading!
plus... then i can work in my (Target) Liberty of London dress fabric somewhere!! yummies!!! i've been holding on to this one for awhile!
then... ( while pulling fabrics ) i realized i haven't made a simple patchwork quilt in such a long time! so, i pulled fabric for one... i'll be adding in some grey solids ( i know shocking ), but i'm diggin the boyish charm of these prints together!
ps... my new hexie pillow is seriously moving forward! with the help of lazy nights and Deschutes Brewery, i may have this puppy sewn up quite quickly! ;)
well... i'm off! so many projects left to do and so little attention span to get them all done! ha! hope your all having great success getting your's finished!! ;)
XO, Heather
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