Chaos is a funny thing... i hate not being in control! so, to combat those chaotic times... i grasp onto thing i do have the power to change. so, this week i started with finishing the Autumn Canary Quilt. this baby quilt is for a Charity fundraiser ( which i will be able to share more information about during the week of Thanksgiving ). even though my family is going through some tough times right now... i am wise enough to remember that they're really are more people out there suffering worse then us... here's to hoping this quilt will make a little difference in someone else's life.

i also rearranged my sewing studio again. yes, i do move my furniture around quite a lot ( a control thing ) hehe... jeeze, these blogs do really show a clear picture of how you could come off!!! i feel like i'm normal, but i'm pretty sure ( as i look back through my posts) ... i'm a bit of a nuttcake! ;)
and in attempt to control more of my life, i've decided to do a major OOP fabric DeStash! i'm totally burnt out on holding onto fabric that i only keep for the fear of not being able to reacquire them anymore. and it's messing with my creative juices, so... i will be posting patchwork packages of my stash in my Etsy Shop. Unfortunately, at this time... i won't be able to create custom listings ( due to my family's needs and time restrictions ), but i will say this; they will be fairly priced, contain a variety of OOP fabrics, each package will contain patchwork size cuts of the fabrics, and all will weigh 1/2 a pound each. my hope is that these packages will bring a little joy to their new owners!! Here's what to expect to see ;)

you can find my shop here...
i better get busy!
xo, Heather
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