okay... -----> l i s t e n <----- no one like radio silence! i don't. not from my husband, my friends, or my favorite blogs, so for that i apologize for being soOOOoo quite lately! i know, i've still been posting... but, we have projects to be done... right! ;) i hope that all of you have taken my tardiness and ran with it... so, we can get back to our
quilt as you go quilt-along and not be too far behind! i swear... i pathetically only got one more block pieced, but it is cute... so i will choose to forgive myself for being a slacker! but no more, darn it! i'm gonna need my peeps to keep me on track!! ya hear me peeps!... that means YOU! haha...

i will admit though... it's hard not to get off track when your favorite local quilt store shows you THIS when you arrive!! ( and yes, i realize that i didn't need to be taking any fabric buying trips... but i'm naughty, so i don't care, really! )... back to the blame game... dang you
Cool Cottons!! when i saw this...

i instantly thought of my son's light that we got him at Ikea... so, i had to buy it and make him his favorite treat from me... ( if a boy has a favorite treat from his sewing mother! ) LOL

a new fabulous "video gaming" pillow! i do love it so ;)

i wish you could see the stitching better ( sigh ) it's really cool... blue thread on 3/4 of the pillow and then red on the other 1/4th.

then my beloved miss
Nova sent me the most fabulous surprise this week! i was completely shocked, speechless ( yes, me ), and touched!! this amazing quilt top was made over from the Anna Maria Horner Garden Party fabric that i sent to her... she made us twinsie single girl quilts with it! this one she used
ashley's wonky strip quilt tutorial and i'm still swooning over it!!

i even thought about breaking my cardinal rule... true. and hanging a quilt on my wall! in this picture... i have even lifted my design up and layed it behind my couch to see how it would look. haha... i think i'm digging it ;)

and of course... a Nova package could not be complete with out a tiny, mini sprinkle of love!... this one was the cutest mug rug in my favorite colors... isn't she the BEST!

okay... now that i've spent my morning thus far, ranting about getting nothing done... i better go sew! LOL
xo, Heather
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