Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Entertaining Tips: Vegetarian Options
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
the {Tangerine} princess & the pea - Finished!
( 54 X 68 )
XO, Heather
Lavender Wedding Bouquet
We had a client that wanted something whimsical and beautiful for her bridesmaids bouquets. So we came up with Lavender... so pretty and smelled just lovely!
Lavender is not just for your underwear drawer anymore!
Photo was taken by me...that's why it sort of stinks.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Plan B
There should have been a Plan B - a rain plan.
How do you plan for a Plan B... well first there needs to be a drop dead time to implement the Plan B... so let's say, by noon. So by noon you'll need to decide inside or outside. Even if the weather looks iffy... go for the Plan B. You never know.
And have a Plan B... know that you'll need to have your reception under a tent, or in the banquet hall, or in the house... where ever it is.. go over with your Wedding Planner, the in's and out's of what you thinking. You don't want to be surprised or disappointed.
And plus, it makes for some pretty amazing pictures!
Photo: Luster Studios
Sunday, March 28, 2010
All the new Munki Munki from Heather Ross and a violet bunch of Anna Maria Horner...
some tasty Love from Amy Butler with a splash of Bubble Gum basics... and if i wasn't already swimming in crack for a fabric junkie...
Terri brought over some fabulous Orla Kiely & Flea Market Fancy... she picked up for me!!! I thought i was on cloud nine... then....
Sarah showed up with THIS!! Anna Maria Horner Bohemian... now this is how a girl likes to party!! I just can't even express the happiness i have been feeling every time i walk past these piles ( since you KNOW i can't yet put them away!!! ) LOL
So I say... K E E P your enablers... i sure as heck know i am!! They are the most generous, kind, fun girls that i'm proud to call my friends and i'm not giving them up for nothing!!! ;)
Wait to see the fantastic photo's Miss Sarah took at Modern Domestic on Saturday night!! Man... she is one talented cookie!!
XO, Heather
Friday, March 26, 2010
Dress Week: Red Dress!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Home upDates!
In hopes of not looking completely unorganized... i've been working on my house a bit... i purchased a new shelf from Ikea and moved my bed... i think i'm liking the aqua head board now... which is a great out come... since i was really loathing repainting it! LOL
Then i added in some drapes to my sewing nook... the seasons here in Portland... are finally starting to change and I really needed to block some of the sunshine... i chose red ( which surprised me ) and again... i kinda like it ;)
Then i reorganized a little too... i really, really don't want to look like a piggy when friends come over! hehehe...
OOhhh and a quick up date on my ( ode' to Denyse Schmidt " bunch of squares " ) gallery wall... i added in the grey and am slowly moving downward ;)
and just for fun... a sneeky peeky of the fabrics... i'll be using in my secret project! :)
I'm off to clean more!!...
Xo, Heather
Dress Week: Pink Dress!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Dress Week: Teal Dress!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Drunk Love for Miss Amber...
and the weekend couldn't have been completed with out a quick trip to a local Target for some more Liberty of London goodies... ;)
plus... i'm very excited to get out my blocks from my ( Sew New To Me Virtual Quilting Bee ) and start the process of putting them together!! I thought originally that i would sash all the blocks in white... but now i'm think Kona Ash and maybe even a little connector of coal or lime??? HHhhmmm... we'll see?? ;)
Have a great week!!
XO, Heather
Dress Week: Short Black Dress!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Dress Week: The Little White Dress!
Photography by: Rae Leytham Photography
Friday, March 19, 2010
Improv Blocks for Miss Julie ~ Jay Bird quilts
If you'd like to participate in a virtual quilting bee... there are always new one starting and you can find the list here on Flickr!! They are addictive though... so be carefull!! :)
XO, Heather
Jill and Josh's Engagement Photos
Photographs by: Jimmy Ho Photography