Today I had a thought… what are blogs??? I’ll keep it real… I had no idea when I started one! I think they are supposed to be an outlet for yourself and a tool for communication with an immense virtual world full of compatible people… I still don’t really know. I think many people use them for a variety of reasons… some personal, business, social maybe??? Well… I think I want mine to be a bit more than just for crafts I make and it’s taken me almost a year to figure that out. LOL
I realized my dearest blogs are the ones I connect to on an emotional level as well as a creative one… So I’m personalizing mine. This is me in all my glory ;)
Fun facts:
I HATE cougars… not like anyone would love them, but I just moved home from 4 years in Central Oregon and I was completely convinced that I would get attacked sooner or later.
I’m a candy addict… only the sweet and sour ones.
I’ve been married to my husband for 11 years and with him almost longer than with my parents… He’s my BFF!
I call him my { boy toy }!
There is no place more magical to me then the beach.
This is the second home I’ve owned.
I read every night without fail.
I'm a Sci-Fi junkie!
I have two sons and my youngest has autism.
I’m a HUGE activist and pro-Charity individual.
I believe a person either grows bitter or understanding… being a Mama with a child with special needs… I choose understanding.
I ALWAYS give someone the benefit of the doubt first... until they prove me wrong.
I live by the golden rule.
I’m a generation X and proud of my Alternative roots.
I’m a hippy at heart and have a serious crush on VW’s even though my husband has always worked for Mercedes.
I have a long haired Chihuahua… named Georgia.
I’m a smart mouth who suffers from extreme sarcasm disease.
I truly adore my virtual friends.

I LOVE my family!!! My bestie Sissy-in-Law, Carrie!!
I have 3 tattoo's and ones on my toe.
I also hold a real estate license and a CPR certificate... which means I can save your life after you have a stroke from sticker shock on a home.
This is my hobby not my job.
Take me or leave me… I will always keep it real with all my friends and I hope my sharing shows you a little more about me! How about you....
Have a great Tuesday!!
XO, Heather
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