Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hostage Situation Part 2

12 hours gone and our demands have still not been met! This means torture. Bobbi and Mike, you were warned.

You have 24 hours...

Hostage Situation

We had a fantastic #nachocheesewedding with the lovely Bobbi and Mike this past weekend! They were the awesomesauce!

However, they made the mistake of leaving their precious clear umbrella in our car. And now we have ourselves a hostage situation.

We had no choice but to present them with a ransom note detailing our demands.

12 hours in and we are already getting antsy

Daytona Wedding: Lauren and James Preview

We loved working with the talented Garrett Nudd for Lauren and James's wedding in the fabulous Daytona Beach! It was a beautiful wedding and the funnest sparkler exit ever! Here is a little preview of it..

More to come!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Groomsmen: Colored Pants

I've been seeing this trend lately of colored pants for the groomsmen. It's popping up everywhere, and I gotta say, I am not loving it.

Am I the only one??

By Julie Mikos via Elizabeth Anne Designs

By Lauren Kinsey Photography via Every Last Detail

What do you guys think? 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Putting the Elephant on TV

This morning something occurred to me…sort of the type of thing that knocks you right off your feet. It’s difficult to explain its significance without providing context. Yesterday, I finished rereading Dirty Girls Come Clean, a book written to help women cope with their pornography addictions. Although I think the author, Crystal Renaud of Dirty Girls Ministries, is weak on a number of key points, I admire her courage and insistence on waking up the Christian community to an ever-mounting problem.

Crystal spends a lot of space discussing confession and being honest about your failures as a major step towards healing. This will probably always be something that Christian leaders promote but people find difficult to do. From my own experience, I can say that admitting sin and asking others for forgiveness is probably the most scary thing ever…Okay, second to actual brushes with death.

Anyway, that idea was probably floating around in my head when I was reviewing some documentaries, hoping to incorporate them into my history class. When lecturing on World War II, I usually don’t discuss pro-Nazi sentiment in America – since someone will invariably mention it in the class discussion anyway – but I was in the mood for a change. The Historical Society of the Crescenta Valley has a nice little documentary that includes a short segment on pro-Nazi activities in the area north of Los Angeles. This would be my opportunity to use it.

However, the German American Bund is best known for its Madison Square Garden rally in 1939, an event mentioned in passing in other documentaries. In addition, it was an organization that had been bred and spent its best years in New York, so I turned to Ric Burns’ monolithic New York: A Documentary Film (site), wondering why I didn’t remember anything about the World War II episode. I soon discovered why: There is no World War II episode.

Since my parents had once been involved in the John Birch Society, conspiracy theories must be in my genes. I immediately suspected a PBS cover-up. How can a seventeen and a half-hour documentary that delves head first into a not-so-clean past fail to mention such a famous event? It’s not like this is the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened in Manhattan. The eight episode series covers the Dutch slave trade, the Civil War draft riots, and enough political corruption to make a Latin American dictator uneasy. These events I’d consider more problematic precisely because of the large percentage of people who believed them to be acceptable. Having garnered limited interest among German Americans and failed to receive Nazi Party recognition, the German American Bund seems to be causing more controversy than would be expected from any other short-lived fringe political movement.

This brings me to my main point: Are the filmmakers behind Rancho La Cañada, Then & Now: The History of the Crescenta-Cañada Valley (site) courageous for being honest about the community’s history? Or are Ric Burns and everyone else involved in the PBS New York documentary cowards for sweeping something out of the textbooks and under the rug? After all, the majority of those likely to see Cañada were probably elderly people who might wish to forget the rallies. It’s not as if many people know about, or care, what went on at Hindenburg Park, sad as it may be. Everyone has heard about New York though, and there were some top historians interviewed in the latter.

Now, suppose there’s a really, really good reason for playing dumb about the Madison Square Garden episode. That still doesn’t explain why World War II is for all practical purposes skipped. I’m sure they could’ve edited out a few minutes about building bridges and skyscrapers to talk about the wartime industrial boom or Italian Americans facing discrimination or one of a billion other things. The fact remains that someone purposely erased an important chapter of New York history.

Summer Blogosphere Series Part 2

I have found another fantastic blog for you guys to look at. This post from The Cinderella Project is so insightful! For all of you who wonder how ridiculously amazing weddings are set up, take a peek at this video from Mark Niemierko. It is absolutely stunning!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Whites

Tacori has come out with a new gemstone, "creamy chalcedony" and has created a summer white collection around it. I just absolutely LOVE it and would feel fantabulous wearing any of these gorgeous masterpieces!


Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer Blogosphere Series

We are starting a new tradition this summer so get excited!! Each week for the rest of the summer, we will be blogging about our favorite blogs!

We will find the cutest, funnest, and creativest posts out there and share them with you guys! Here is the first in our series from Bridal Snob!

This antique lace covered tree creates a great natural arch. It is such a neat and unique idea!

Bridal Snob always has the coolest and most different pictures. Stop by their blog and see what they have!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

you can tell it's summer.

when it's summer, i'm barely around! with my boys being home, family get-a-ways, lazy reading days, and crazy tedious quilt projects... i can only shamelessly admit, blogging is the last thing on my mind. ;P

my only real goal is to visit all the blogs left on my comments in the other post and start a new blog roll... other than that, this is it kids! hahaha... random, silly, pop in's! don't worry though, i'll certainly post after i get my new tattoo on next Monday ( i know you were super worried!! ) Especially since it's based off one of my favorite fabric designers ( wink, wink )!

and ps... this quilt is taking for-freaking-EVER! LOL

X, Heather

Find a Wedding Job

The fantastic Liene Stevens from Think Splendid has created this awesometastic source for those of us in the wedding industry! It's Find a Wedding Job and is much needed because as we know there are always people searching for jobs in the wedding sector.

We love this and we love Liene for making it happen!

Read their blog and follow them on twitter!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bridesmaids Dresses: Twobirds

We've heard how brides may choose ugly bridesmaids dresses so that they are not overshadowed by their girlfriends. However, I think this is a bit of an exaggeration. As much as the bride wants it to be her day, I don't think she wants ugly bridesmaids. Then the pictures will be ugly, who wants that?

Anyway, I came across this bridesmaid dress from twobirds that is the epitome of awesometastic! It looks ultra comfortable, and you can wrap it 15 different ways (probably more), and it is extremely cute! It can work on literally any and every body type out there. You can't look bad in this dress.



 Each bridesmaid can choose her favorite style! I love the straps in the back!

 There is every color you can imagine and you can do short or long!



I am seriously in love with this find! There are so many beautiful possibilities. And not to be cliche, but this is defintiely one dress that I would wear again. And again and again and again. I kind of want it in every color for myself.

Check out the twobirds website for more colors and styles and how to tie your dress!

What do you think?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sunsets in Florida: Inspiration Board

Its summertime here in Gainesville, FL and it is HOT! Getting married during the day in the Florida heat can be a bit tricky, especially if you are wanting an outdoor ceremony. With the heat, however, we also get the gorgeous sunsets, and I was recently inspired by the colors of this lovely purple and orange sunset.

And from this sprouted a new inspiration board! Hope you like it :)

Lanterns; Cupcakes; Flower; Table Setting; Bridesmaids Dresses; Necklace; Feathers; Sunset

What do you think?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Coral and grey with silver accents – Coral e cinza, com nuances prateadas

First of all thank you all for the well wishes, Kiko is not yet fully recovered but is doing better already.
Today’s outfit features a color combo that I’m quite fond of and also some silver accents which is something I’m seeing a lot in the store windows lately. This weekend I was able to spend some time sewing and these grey wide leg pants are part of my achievements. I started by making them in ivory and liked the end result so much that I made another pair in grey. I don’t know if I’ll get the time to review them on my other blog so, for those interested in the sewing details, the pattern is from the June BurdaStyle (model#114), and instead of the waistband with encased elastic I opted for this ready on elastic band, which is much easier and quick to apply (just ease the waist seam allowance with a loose running stitch and zigzag stitch it to the elastic band). The silver jacket was made some time ago and the pattern is from Mrs Stylebook, a Japanese pattern magazine (sewing details are published here; note: the english text is in yellow). I also would like to highlight the knitted i-cord bracelet, which is a gift from a dear friend and fellow blogger who came to spend the weekend in Aveiro together with her lovely family! I was thrilled to finally meet them in person!

Em primeiro lugar muito obrigada pelos desejos de melhora do Kiko, ele está melhor embora ainda não esteja completamente recuperado.
O conjunto de hoje incorpora uma combinação de cores que me agrada muito a também uma peça prateada, algo que tenho visto muito nas montras ultimamente. Este fim-de-semana tive algum tempo livre para costurar e estas calças cinzentas foram um dos produtos finais. Comecei por fazer este modelo em marfim e gostei tanto do resultado que repeti a dose em cinza. Não sei quando terei tempo para escrever sobre estes projectos no outro blogue, por isso aqui fica a referência ao molde usado: BurdaStyle de Junho, modelo 114. Em vez da cintura com elásticos metidos do original, optei por aplicar esta banda elástica que já tinha usado num outro projecto anteriormente, e que é muito mais fácil e rápida de aplicar (basta franzir a orla da cintura com um ponto corrido solto e cosê-la ao elástico por dentro com ponto ziguezague). A jaqueta prateada já foi feita há algum tempo e o seu molde é da Mrs. Stylebook, uma revista de moldes japonesa (os detalhes de costura estão publicados aqui). Também não posso deixar de referir a pulseira tricotada em i-cord, um presente de uma querida amiga e companheira dos blogues que me deu o prazer da sua visita juntamente com a sua adorável família! Fiquei muito feliz por finalmente os conhecer em pessoa!

Gainesville Wedding: Glenda and Jake Preview

You probably saw the video teaser of Glenda and Jake's wedding that we posted a little while ago. Well now we have some pictures to show you!! Their wedding at Sweetwater Branch Inn was absolutely gorgeous! We LOVED working with Glenda and Jake, they were seriously the sweetest and so much fun!

So unbelievably adorable!!

Vendors who helped create this funtastic wedding:

Photography: Pure by Lindsey

Entertainment: The Tropix

Flowers: Prange's Florist

Wedding Coordinator: MasterPiece Weddings

Venue/ Catering: Sweetwater Branch Inn

Friday, June 17, 2011

wow... really??

it's pretty embarrassing that i didn't even recognize how long it had been since i blogged last, until i received a kind push from a reader yesterday! LOL Kinda makes me think about what i just recently found in my house too!... on my living room lamp, no less...!!! hahahha... can you tell i've been a bit preoccupied??? yeesh... i am the worst lately!

but, that my friends... is this time of year, the transition into summer ( hence last of your child/school obligations to fill within a 2 week time! ). Luckily, we are done and i'm very proud to say my oldest, kept his 4.0 the entire year! which then gave his Mama ( that'd be ME! ) my bumper sticker!! Such a proud moment when i slapped that mother on the back of the o'le station wagon! hehehe....

i also decided that i couldn't stand to work in my cluttered studio anymore, not even for one more stinkin day! so i ripped everything out of it and built a new little sitting area! thanks Ikea... you've treated me well once again, bless you!

i wish i could say i've had more time to sew, but in the big picture... i've only made a few pillow covers...

played with Monica's new Happy Mochi Yum Yum!! ( which kicks ass! )...

and started a new quilt... the very fabulous Japanese + & X!! this one may end up being one of my all time favorites that i've done! check out the Flickr group for more inspiration and directions on how to make yours!

i hope you guys are getting more sewing done than myself, cause lord knows... it's a bit pathetic over here right now! hahaha... don't worry though, at least i'm not in denial over my short comings! Today's a perfect example of that! i should be finishing up projects, but instead i'm off to a tattoo parlor with some of my favorite Fabric Designers images to start my sleeve. enough said, right??? LOL

have a great weekend kids and celebrate those Daddy's!! X, H

Just checking in to say I’m still alive – Vim apenas espreitar para dizer que estou viva

I’ve been unable to post; again life is getting in the way and lately there’s a lot going on in my life… Too much work on one hand and some worries as well… Last week Missy fell ill, she started to be more and more still, like if moving would cause her pain… She was also vomiting (first we thought she was trying to get a fur ball out), and she gradually lost her appetite… We took her to the vet and after getting her blood analyzed, she was diagnosed with a viral infection, probably carried on by little Kiko. The vet explained that his immune system as a little kitty is much stronger so the symptoms took the form of sneezes only. Missy was medicated and a couple of days later she was fully recovered. Little Kiko however soon started to develop the same symptoms (except vomiting). He was clearly in pain and with high fever and again we had to run to the vet… He was medicated and today he looks better already, so we let him come outside for a few moments and get some fresh air. He got us really scared yesterday, because he couldn’t stand on his feet and wouldn’t eat (and he loves eating!).

Ultimamente não tenho podido publicar nada nos blogues; mais uma vez a vida mete-se no caminho das minhas intenções… Por um lado ando sobrecarregada com trabalho, por outro tenho tido algumas preocupações. Na semana passada a Missy adoeceu, começou a ficar cada vez mais quieta como se o movimento lhe causasse dor, vomitava frequentemente e começou a perder o apetite (antes disso, quando os vómitos começaram, pensámos que fosse um bola de pelo que ela estivesse a tentar expelir) … Levámo-la ao veterinário e depois de umas análises ao sangue ela foi diagnosticada com uma infecção viral, provavelmente transmitida pelo Kiko. O veterinário explicou que os gatinhos pequenos têm um sistema imunológico muito mais forte e por isso nele os +únicos sintomas de nota seriam alguns espirros. A Missy foi medicada e uns dias mais tarde estava recuperada, mas logo a seguir o Kiko começou a apresentar os mesmos sintomas (excepto o vómito); ontem foi mais uma corrida para o veterinário (assustámo-nos mesmo, pois ele nem se aguentava nas patas e deixou de comer), e hoje ele apresenta melhoras substanciais, embora ainda não esteja a 100%, por isso deixámo-lo vir cá fora apanhar um pouco de ar enquanto eu tirava algumas fotos.

Wedding Hair

We all know that hair is extremely important, especially on your wedding day. Deciding on a wedding day do can be mega stressful for the bride. There are a lot of factors to consider. Do I want it up? down? half up? Will it be too hot? Or in my face? Curly? Straight? Will it work with my veil?

A girl can go crazy thinking about it all! I think it is best to go simple. You don't want to be messing with it all night or worrying about it falling out.

For long hair, I like the half up style and to the side. I saw this at a wedding this past weekend and I absolutely love it! It looks gorgeous on everyone. It's so elegant!

 With short hair, I would go with a low, curled, loose up do (high up dos remind me of prom, no?) or even just out and loosely curled. You could also add in some sparkly hair clips or braids to jazz it up.

I'm a fan of the more natural look. It is your wedding day so plain straight hair is a little blah but the beauty pageant look might be overdoing it. Plus, you're husband loves your natural beauty, right?

What are you doing for your wedding hair?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Guestbook Fun

When I stumbled across this, I just knew I had to share it with you guys! Bleu De Toi has come out with this fun and unique way of remembering the guests at your wedding. This guestbook fingerprint tree can become a lovely keepsake to hang on your wall instead of just some book that sits in a box in your attic.

Each woodcut print is hand printed and personalized just for you! The branches are left bare and you can choose the ink colors you want your guests to leave their thumb prints with.

I just love this idea! It's different and cute and fun for all of your guests!

You could even do balloons!! So adorable!
