I am sooo excited for this next years quilting and stitching! I just finished my Volkswagen Bus embroidery hoop for my example to the Hoop Up Swap!
John at QuiltDad has come up with a very clever idea... where at the end I will have 5 more urban embroideries to add to my Bicycle from
Kerri and this VW hoop to make a unique wall art for my new house! ;)

My Sister-in-Law was quite generous this past week with lots of inspiration for the hoops I'll be making others through this swap! To say excited is a gross understatement!!

You can find this swap
here... maybe I'll be making hoops for you next round ???

Then I made my New Years Resolution which I'm very excited about my two new Quilting Bees helping me make my goal this year! With all the amazing new fabric lines that have recently come out... I'm really feeling like I need to make quilts out of my current fabric collections and move on to the new ones! with that thought in mind it is my mission to make this piles into wonderfully warm ( since my new house is older and colder ) quilts, so I have no more guilt in buying new fabrics!
First on the list will be to finally cut into my Flea Market Fancy Stash... and I'm pretty sure this quilt will be in trusted to the fabulous quilters at Kerri and my new virtual quilting bee...
{ Bee } Imaginative. It's full of my most favorite quilters in blogland and I know I can trust my stash with them! :)

Next on the agenda... My Lush quilt! This baby will be for my Daddy and I'm not sure which pattern I'll be using yet... but it will definitely come from my own hands!

I'm super excited about the this pile of Summer In The City turning into an amazing quilt from the newest virtual quilting bee that I joined with many new friends that I've had the great honor of meeting in 2009...
[ Bee ] - autiful 
And topping off my 2010 goal will be my and I do mean ( MY don't touch unless your me ) Momo Wonderland quilt... which the fabric is still be collected!! I have wanted one of these babies FOREVER and I am quite optimistic that I will win the battle by years end! LOL

Oh yeah! I wanted to say thank you to all my followers and Flickr friends who have made this last year really fun! Since my one year anniversary will becoming around the corner for both soon... Kerri and I have planned a little get-a-way! We will be renting a home in Port Angelas, Washington.. to spend three days and two nights sewing with some wonderful new friends we have met this last year and... drooling over Edward!! Yes, this will be a Twilight themed weekend with a trip to Forks and La Push in the plans!! We are all so excited and I will certainly post all the picture of us pretending we are Bella! LOL

XO, Heather